Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) safety and security aspects in the regulatory framework





Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), regulatory framework, Chicago Convention, Safety and security, Collision risks, Unauthorized access, EU regulations, Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945, Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947, UAS technology integration


Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) have become integral to various sectors, offering substantial benefits in efficiency and accessibility. However, their integration into civilian airspace presents significant safety and security challenges. This article examines the regulatory framework governing UAS operations, focusing on measures designed to mitigate risks. Key aspects include airspace management, pilot certification, and technological safeguards such as geofencing and remote identification. The regulatory landscape is analyzed in terms of its ability to address collision risks, unauthorized access, and potential misuse for malicious purposes. The study highlights the balance regulators must achieve between fostering innovation and ensuring public safety and security, proposing enhancements to current policies to better adapt to the rapidly evolving UAS technology.

Author Biographies

  • Anna Konert, Lazarski University

    Legal Counsel; Habilitated doctor of legal sciences; associate professor at Lazarski University, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Administration at Lazarski University, head of postgraduate studies in aviation law; Director of the Institute of Aviation and Space Law, member of the board of the European Air Law Association, awarded the Rector's Medal for obtaining the title of the Best Graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in 2005, honored with a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding young scientists in 2012. She specializes in aviation law since 2005, in 2006-2007 she worked in the legal department of the air carrier Air France in New York.

  • Tomasz Balcerzak, Lazarski University

    Tomasz Balcerzak, PhD. Eng. EASA/FAA Pilot.-Currently: CEO of Wademekum LTD. and Aerospace Technology LTD., Lecturer of Aviation and Space Law and Business Management at Lazarski University, Expert European Commission- Research Executive Agency (REA), Expert of European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency.
    -2013-2016-President of Polish Aviation Club.
    -2014-CEO/General Director of Eurolot Airlines.
    -2011-2014 Chairman of Supervisory Board of WRO LOT handling agent company.
    -2011-2013 COO/Board Member for Operations and Maintenance/Accountable Manager at LOT Polish
    -2009-2011 CEO/COO in Enter Air- charter airline.
    Previous positions: Quality/Safety/Security Director at Fly Jet business executive airline, Managing Director at FDS- Flight Dispatch Services company, Director of Operations and Accountable Manager at Centralwings airline, lieute nant pilot-crew commander of the 36th Military Special Air Transport Regiment for VIP in Warsaw.
    Graduated from the Air Force Academy, received pilot, lieutenant engineer degree, magistry studies and PhD at Warsaw University, MBA at Warsaw School of Economics. Previously also Lecturer at Silesian Univeristy of Technology-Aviation Faculty and Aviation and Space Law at Institute of International Relations at Warsaw University.
    Extensive experience in the aviation industry and in managing projects of the operating companies. Founder and co-founder of several existing companies in Poland in aviation industry. Author and coauthor over 40 publications. Specializes in transportation, logistics, aviation and space. Hobbies: playing the saxophone.Tomasz Balcerzak, PhD. Eng. EASA/FAA Pilot.-Currently: CEO of Wademekum LTD. and Aerospace Technology LTD., Lecturer of Aviation and Space Law and Business Management at Lazarski University, Expert European Commission- Research Executive Agency (REA), Expert of European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency. -2013-2016-President of Polish Aviation Club. -2014-CEO/General Director of Eurolot Airlines. -2011-2014 Chairman of Supervisory Board of WRO LOT handling agent company. -2011-2013 COO/Board Member for Operations and Maintenance/Accountable Manager at LOT Polish Airlines. -2009-2011 CEO/COO in Enter Air- charter airline. Previous positions: Quality/Safety/Security Director at Fly Jet business executive airline, Managing Director at FDS- Flight Dispatch Services company, Director of Operations and Accountable Manager at Centralwings airline, lieute nant pilot-crew commander of the 36th Military Special Air Transport Regiment for VIP in Warsaw. Graduated from the Air Force Academy, received pilot, lieutenant engineer degree, magistry studies and PhD at Warsaw University, MBA at Warsaw School of Economics. Previously also Lecturer at Silesian Univeristy of Technology-Aviation Faculty and Aviation and Space Law at Institute of International Relations at Warsaw University. Extensive experience in the aviation industry and in managing projects of the operating companies. Founder and co-founder of several existing companies in Poland in aviation industry. Author and coauthor over 50 publications. Specializes in transportation, logistics, aviation and space. Hobbies: playing the saxophone.

  • Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo, Lazarski University

    Doctor of law, he has been working in the legal department of Polskie Linie Lotnicze S.A. for many years and serves as a Compliance Officer. Member of the aviation subcommittee of the State Aviation Accident Investigation Commission (KBWLLP) investigating the crash of the Polish Tu-154 in Smolensk. She is the author of many publications in the field of international aviation law.


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How to Cite

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) safety and security aspects in the regulatory framework. (2024). Scientific Journal of Safety and Logistics, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.11367490

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