Expected impacts of drones in 2030





Drone ecosystem, Commercial drone market, Societal impacts, Environmental impacts, Drone public acceptance, Noise pollution


Article examines the anticipated impacts of drones by 2030, focusing on the European Union's commercial, societal, and environmental contexts. The analysis consolidates insights from existing literature and studies, providing an overview of the potential for market growth, societal implications, and environmental benefits and challenges. Economically, the EU drone market is projected to reach €14.5 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of 12.3%, driven by diversified applications and evolving regulatory frameworks. Societally, drones are expected to influence employment through automation and new job creation while facing challenges in public acceptance. Environmentally, drones offer significant potential to reduce CO2 emissions and improve air quality, though concerns about noise pollution and wildlife disturbance remain. The article underscores the importance of harmonized regulations, technological innovation, and public engagement to maximize the positive impacts of drones and mitigate associated risks.

Author Biographies

  • Katarzyna Kostur, Polish Air Force Academy

    Katarzyna Kostur PhD. Eng.: lecturer at Polish Air Force Academy in Deblin, Department of National Security and Logistics. She has over 20 years of experience in civil aviation, working e.g. at LOT Polish Airlines, Centralwings, Bingo Airways. The functions of the cabin crew chief and cabin crew instructor were directly related to the issues of safety on board the aircraft and at the airport, as well as Crew Resource Management (CRM). She has a UAV operator license and a PPL (A) pilot license, specializes in issues related to logistics, air transport safety, and in particular the safety culture in civil air transport.

  • Tomasz Balcerzak, Lazarski University

    Tomasz Balcerzak, PhD. Eng.: assistant profesor at Lazarski University, CEO of Wademekum LTD., Expert European Commission Research Executive Agency (REA), Expert of European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency. Extensive experience in the aviation industry in managing projects of the operating companies. Founder and co-founder of several companies. Author and coauthor over 50 publications. Specializes in aviation and space.


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How to Cite

Expected impacts of drones in 2030. (2024). Scientific Journal of Safety and Logistics, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14568497

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