Diamond flight training system. DART project
aviation training, simulators, aviation training systemsAbstract
Manufacturers offering aviation training systems offer many solutions to ensure the cost-effectiveness of training military and civilian pilots. Low training costs are one of the main determinants of the support for military pilot training in the world, even for countries with large budgets. One way to optimize the costs of aviation training for military pilots is to base aviation training on a unified fleet of aircraft by individual air forces or aviation training centers. This solution is proposed by Diamond Aircraft, offering a complete aviation training system for military and civilian schools based on a staged approach to training, adapting computer, simulator and aircraft teaching depending on the training phase.
The purpose of this article is to identify a flight training system based on the Diamond fleet. Additionally, the author raises the issue related to the DART project, which is to introduce aircraft of various power to the aviation training market. Their advantage is the use of single-lever control, thanks to which they imitate the way of piloting a jet aircraft.
The article answers the question: what solutions for aviation schools are offered by Diamond Aircraft. A review of solutions offered by a manufacturer advertising its products as saving money, training time and the natural environment in the aviation training process was reviewed.
The article uses theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis. The research used the informal participant observation method.
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